Learn And Explore Academy
Small Class Sizes
It’s been proven that students learn faster and perform better in smaller classes. A small class size results in more individual attention, increased participation, and better communication between the teachers and students.
Students not only receive more feedback from their peers and instructors, they also tend to encounter more opportunities for hands-on learning than those in large classes. At Learn And Explore Academy, the maximum number of students in every class is 20.
Learn And Explore Academy
Healthy Food
Healthy meals fuel learning by boosting students’ concentration, focus and cognitive function. So that’s why at Learn And Explore Academy, we make sure that all of our explorers are fed well with nutritious and appealing homemade foods that include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins and healthy fats.
Learn And Explore Academy
21st Century Classroom
A successful school program relies on learning tools that are contemporary, enhance instruction, and enable learning that is personalized. At Learn And Explore Academy, we utilize technology for two purposes. The first is to introduce the tools that will be used in their future workplace, in today’s classroom.
More and more, our society is becoming digitized and connected electronically. It is our duty to teach students how to use these instruments in a responsible and productive way to reach their goals and that of the teams they will be working with.
The second purpose allows us to differentiate instruction so that the classroom can respond to students’ abilities and skills, not the other way around. It allows teachers to personalize instruction in a way that all of our explorers can learn effectively.
Learn And Explore Academy
Our Teachers
Great restaurants have great chefs, iconic fashion labels have iconic designers, and high-quality schools have high-quality teachers. That’s why at Learn And Explore Academy, one of our greatest priorities is the quality of our instructors.
That’s why we created a rigorous hiring process to make sure that every teacher in our school is passionate about the craft of teaching, has high expectations from their students, and teaches in a way that motivates, inspires, and educates.
Learn And Explore Academy
Academic Summer Camp
While school may not be in session in July and August, it doesn’t mean learning has to stop! Summer learning loss is very real. When students return to school in the fall, a big portion of them will be starting the academic year with their achievement levels lower than what they had at the beginning of summer break.
That’s why Learn And Explore Academy is offering an Academic Summer Camp program that is educational and fun! Through this, your child will start the school year with a fresh start, and will be advancing from their classmates who spent months without gaining new knowledge.
The Summer Program runs for seven (7) weeks, starting in July and ending in August. Our hours of operation are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.